Friday, December 14, 2012

Omne Ignotum Pro Magnifico

I’ve been thinking about you, dear reader.  We are, I’d wager, much changed people from when last we spoke on this blog. I’m grateful to confide in you this new story of travel. I am here, for now.

Let's get right to it. On arrival I wrote my family, “they have Fernet for 3 euros in the train station, the post office, the cig store, the coffee shop, on every corner, hell they probably give you a little digestivo upon intake at the local jail --you know, to help you digest the situation.” 

I bought a hat. I told Lindsay before she met me at the airport, “I need a hat and gloves still,” adding, “that is to say I still need a Borsalino."

I found the hat, lit a Chesterfield, and played with little Veido around the vineyard. 

We will speak again soon.