Wednesday, February 10, 2010

First Mate Bob 'Denver' Lange

The last time I wrote I was in Albuqueque, NM on the porch of a hostel and generally miserable.

I'm a quitter. I quit the bike ride. I quit traveling. I quit the blog. Today I quit "working" in Atlanta. Tomorrow I start to Puerta Vallarta, Mexico to board the 40' Sailboat Alobar and sail to French Polynesia. As Grant Henry would say, "Fuck Fear". This is my inspiration.

This trip parallels the fabled ride 'cross 'merica in many ways. Just as with Marcus the Londoner, I have never met the boat's Captain Joel Ungar. Yet, once the journey starts we will spend every moment close together for months. Here again, I have little idea what to expect. Although, presumably I will need the same patience in the face of solitude. I do also expect the same inextricable dependence on the boat as with the bike. I did know how to ride a bike, in this instance I don't know sloop from starboard.

Capt. Joel wrote this recently, "I plan to arrive in Papeete by June for the big regatta and gathering sponsored by the Tahitian government. We will try to see Bora Bora on the way. After the regatta I thought we would visit a couple of other islands before parking the boat in July. We had talked earlier about your need to be back for school starting in August so I have it in my mind that you plan to remain until at least mid July."

I am packing only what fits in my messenger bag: two pairs of shorts and shirts, toiletries, computer, camera and 2 books Malcom Lowry's Under the Volcano and a collection of major supreme court cases. I sold my car to afford a plane ticket home. And yes I sent for my absentee ballot.


  1. You are a hot mess, friend. I wish you safe travels full of adventure...xoxo

  2. We love you Bob!

    I mean, 'merica loves you Rob!

    Have fun. Fall in love. Get inspired.

    Wear a condom. Don't get arrested.


  3. Rob - I heard rumors that you left town, but only now finding out the specifics. This is fabulous! As a newly self-proclaimed quitter, I am learning that sometimes quitting is succeeding!

    I come across your blog just as I celebrate my own "leap of faith" - so thought I'd share -

    Best wishes on your journey!
